\Sort{ Mode{on} Collation{mixed} SortTypeOrder{name} NameOrder{ascending} } @BOOK{adrianova:1995, author = {L. Ya. Adrianova}, year = 1995, title = {Introduction to Linear Systems of Differential Equations}, publisher = {Amer. Math. Soc.}, address = {Providence, Rhode Island} } @BOOK{andrews:1976, author = {George E. Andrews}, year = 1976, title = {The Theory of Partitions}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, address = {Reading, Massachusetts} } @BOOK{arnold:1987, author = {B. C. Arnold}, year = 1987, title = {Majorization and the Lorenz Order}, series = {Lecture Notes in Statistics}, number = 43, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {Berlin, New York} } @BOOK{atkinson:1964, author = {F. V. 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Plemmons}, year = 1979, title = {Nonnegative Matrices in the Mathematical Sciences}, publisher = {Academic Press}, address = {New York} } @BOOK{bhatia:1987, author = {Rajendra Bhatia}, year = 1987, title = {Perturbation Bounds for Matrix Eigenvalues}, publisher = {Longman Scientific and Technical}, address = {Essex CM20 2JE, England} } @BOOK{bhatia:1997, author = {Rajendra Bhatia}, year = 1997, title = {Matrix Analysis}, publisher = {Springer} } @BOOK{bourbaki1:1966, author = {Nicolas Bourbaki}, year = 1966, title = {\'El\'ements de Math\'ematique}, volume = {Livre I: Th\'eorie de Ensembles, Chaps. 1 et 2}, publisher = {Hermann}, address = {Par\'{\i}s} } @BOOK{brualdi_ry:1991, author = {Richard A. Brualdi and Herbert J. Ryser}, year = 1991, title = {Combinatorial Matrix Theory}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, address = {New York} } @BOOK{cajori:1928-29, author = {Florian Cajori}, year = {(1928, 1929), 1993}, title = {A History of Mathematical Notations}, note = {En la Red el 12 de septiembre de 2001 en la p\'agina Web \url{http://www-groups.dcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Cajori.html}}, publisher = {Dover}, annote = { \Href{http://www-groups.dcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Cajori.html}}, comment = {An unabridged and unaltered republication in one volume of the work first published in two volumes by The Open Court Pub. com. in 1928 and 1929.} } @BOOK{campbell_me:1979, author = {S. L. Campbell and C. D. Meyer}, year = 1979, title = {Generalized Inverses of Linear Transformations}, publisher = {Pitman}, address = {London} } @BOOK{choquet:1964, author = {Gustave Choquet}, year = 1964, title = {Cours d'Analyse. 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Queir\'o.}, publisher = {Departamento de Matem\'atica, Universidade de Coimbra}, address = {Coimbra, Portugal} } @BOOK{devaney:1986, author = {Robert L. Devaney}, year = 1986, title = {An Introduction to Chaotic Dynamical Systems}, publisher = {The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company}, address = {2727 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, California} } @BOOK{dieudonne:1968, author = {Jean Dieudonn{\'e}}, year = 1968, title = {Calcul Infinit{\'e}simal}, publisher = {Hermann}, address = {Paris} } @BOOK{dollard_fr:1979, author = {John D. Dollard and Charles-N. Friedman}, year = 1979, title = {Product Integration}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley} } @BOOK{fiedler:1986, author = {Miroslav Fiedler}, year = 1986, title = {Special Matrices and their Applications in Numerical Mathematics}, publisher = {Martinus Nijhoff}, address = {Dordrecht} } @TECHREPORT{friedland:1980, author = {Shmuel Friedland}, year = 1980, title = {Spectral Theory of Matrices.}, series = {MRC}, number = 2082, address = {610 Walnut Street, Madison, Wisconsin 53706}, institution = {Mathematics Research Center. University of Wisconsin-Madison}, type = {Technical Summary Report} } @BOOK{gantmacher1:1966, author = {Felix R. Gantmacher}, year = 1966, title = {Th{\'e}orie de Matrices}, volume = 1, note = {Traduit par Ch. Sarthou}, publisher = {Dunod}, address = {Paris} } @BOOK{gantmacher2:1966, author = {Felix R. Gantmacher}, year = 1966, title = {Th{\'e}orie des Matrices}, volume = 2, note = {Traduit par Ch. Sarthou}, publisher = {Dunod}, address = {Paris} } @BOOK{godement:1966, author = {Roger Godement}, year = 1966, title = {Cours D'alg\`ebre}, edition = {deuxi\`eme}, publisher = {Hermann}, address = {Par\'{\i}s} } @BOOK{gohberg_la_ro:1979, author = {Gohberg, Israel and Lancaster, Peter and Rodman, Leiba}, year = {1979?}, title = {Matrix Polynomials}, publisher = {Academic Press} } @BOOK{gohberg_la_ro:1986, author = {Gohberg, Israel and Lancaster, Peter and Rodman, Leiba}, year = 1986, title = {Invariant Subspaces of Matrices with Applications}, publisher = {Wiley} } @BOOK{golub_lo:1989, author = {Gene Golub and Charles van Loan}, year = 1989, title = {Matrix Computations}, edition = {Second}, publisher = {The Johns Hopkins University Press} } @BOOK{hardy_li_po:1952, author = {G. H. Hardy and J.E. Littlewood and G. 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Lax}, year = 1997, title = {Linear Algebra}, publisher = {Wiley} } @BOOK{levin:1991, author = {S.R. Levin}, year = 1991, title = {Estructuras Ling\"u\'{\i}sticas {e}n la Poes\'{\i}a}, publisher = {C\'atedra}, address = {Madrid} } @BOOK{macdonald:1979, author = {I.G. Macdonald}, year = 1979, title = {Symmetric Functions and Hall Polynomials}, publisher = {Clarendon Press}, address = {Oxford} } @BOOK{macduffee:1946, author = {Cyrus Colton MacDuffee}, year = 1946, title = {The Theory of Matrices}, publisher = {Chelsea}, address = {New York} } @BOOK{marshall_ol:1979, author = {Albert W. Marshall and Ingram Olkin}, year = 1979, title = {Inequalities: Theory of Majorization and Its Applications}, publisher = {Academic Press} } @BOOK{massera_sc:1966, author = {Jos{\'e} Luis Massera and Juan Jorge Sch{\"a}ffer}, year = 1966, title = {Linear Differential Equations and Function Spaces}, publisher = {Academic Press}, address = {New York} } @BOOK{melzak2:1976, author = {Z. A. Melzak}, year = 1976, title = {Mathematical Ideas, Modeling and Applications}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {New York} } @BOOK{mennig:2001, author = {Miguel Mennig}, year = 2001, title = {Buscar {e}n la Red}, publisher = {Plaza y Jan\'es} } @BOOK{merris:1997, author = {Russell Merris}, year = 1997, title = {Multilinear Algebra}, publisher = {Gordon and Breach}, address = {Amsterdam} } @BOOK{meyer:2000, author = {Carl D. Meyer}, year = 2000, title = {Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra}, publisher = {SIAM}, address = {Philadelphia} } @MISC{miller:2001, author = {Jeff Miller}, title = {Earliest Uses of Various Mathematical Symbols}, howpublished = {En la Red el 31 de agosto de 2001 en \url{http://members.aol.com/jeff570/mathsym.html}} } @BOOK{parzen:1972, author = {Emanuel Parzen}, year = 1972, title = {Procesos Estoc\'asticos}, publisher = {Paraninfo}, address = {Madrid} } @BOOK{pullman:1976, author = {N.J. 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